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Diagnosing Complex Organisations with Diverse Cultures — Configuring Mindset Agency Theory, with an application to ASEAN

December 4, 2024


Complex organisations require coherence to achieve adaptive goals through agency. This presentation introduces Mindset Agency Theory (MAT), a metatheoretical framework designed for modelling and diagnosing agency within culturally diverse populations. MAT, a cybernetic multi-ontology framework, delineates five formative traits defining agency character. Its cognitive style trait (with bipolar values of Patterning–Dramatising) elucidates how agencies acquire information.

Examining diverse agencies requires an appreciation of the social relationships that exist there, but MAT is currently devoid of this capability. Using the configuration approach to enable the integration of Tönnies’ social organisation theory into MAT, social relationships can be suitably explored, thus enhancing its capacity to investigate agency coherence.

Tönnies’ theory of social organisation (with bipolar values of Gemeinschaft-Gesellschaft) that frames inter-agent interactions is configured within MAT. This integration births a new formative trait, pairing cognitive style with social organisation, and is thus capable of indicating the likelihood of operative coherence. Configuration is applied by relating propositional attributes of a holding metatheory framework such as MAT, with an entry theory such as Tönnies’ social organisation theory as determined from the literature. The elaborated MAT serves as a diagnostic tool, linking trait instabilities with agency pathologies that deliver dysfunction.

A subsequent presentation will apply this framework to ASEAN, a regional intergovernmental organisation addressing cultural diversity issues. The study aims to evaluate ASEAN’s mindset and diagnose its pathologies, such as narcissism and paradoxical behaviour.

Dr Tuomo Rautakivi and Prof. Dr. Maurice Yolles

Dr Tuomo Rautakivi

Tuomo Rautakivi is an Adjunct Professor in the Faculty of Social and Political Science at Jenderal Soedirman University, Indonesia.   He has been Visiting (Full) Professor (of ASEAN Studies and Organizational Development and Sustainability) at the Royal University of Phnom Penh, Cambodia and has been many years University lecturer in Thailand, in the Graduate School of Public Administration. He has been Finland’s Honorary Consul to southeast Thailand. His research interests cover ASEAN studies, Regional Economic Integrations and Area Studies, Organizational Transformation, Public Administration and Public Policy. He has published widely in international journals.

Prof. Dr. Maurice Yolles

Maurice Yolles retired from Liverpool John Moores University in the UK where he was given emeritus status. He has written in a variety of subject areas, including personality psychology, politics, business studies, marketing, economics, and complexity especially, and he specialises in social cybernetics. He has written more than 200 academic papers and a number of books. He was editor of the Journal of Organisational Transformation and Social Change, has been a reviewer for various journals, and headed the Centre for the Creation of Coherent Change and Knowledge for some 20 years, involved in international training.

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