Stafford's Work

ESyn2030 was an experiment to take a group process designed for face-to-face, in person meetings, in one place and convert it and create a process to conduct it all online with participants from around the world. The experiment went from December 2020 to January 2021. The main activity of the experiment was held from Wednesday 6th to Wednesday 13th January 2021. A reflection and review event was held on 29 January 2021.

The details are described in the book: “Beyond Dispute: The Invention of Team Syntegrity” by Stafford Beer and published in 1994 by John Wiley.
Background Information and FAQs
There was an organizing team and facilitation team.

An initial invitation letter was sent by email to members and also posted on the Metaphorum website.

Everything below on this page is copied from the page on 9 February 2021. It was used during the experiment for participants with a user id and password. It has been edited for publishing on the web.

On this page is background information on the ESyn2030 project and experiment, including a glossary and other helpful content. There is also be more on Syntegration and then Frequently Asked Questions. (FAQs). The page was updated as the project progresses in January 2021.

The presentations and conversations were all conducted on Zoom.

Interactive creative activity used the Miro whiteboard online platform.

Opening Question

Experiencing ESyn 2030 protocol for creating a collective answer to the Opening Question:

“How can Metaphorum and its members capture the learning from the current crisis, and best contribute in radical shifts that society have to make quickly?”

Lottery Results

eSyn2030 Lottery Results in spreadsheet

1. E-syn 2030 Introduction to the Experiment by Angela Espinosa (PDF)
2. E-syn 2030 Introduction to the Experiment by Angela Espinosa (PPTX)
3. eSyn2030 Glossary
4. Cybernetics Glossary by Allenna Leonard
5. Lottery Description
6. Lottery Spreadsheet from Jon Walker
7. Cybernetics Glossary
8. eSyn Facilitator Guidance
9. eSyn Self Assessment and Action from summary meeting 29 January 2021

We have an eSyn2030 SLACK channel on the Metaphorum Slack
Please join there for additional communication channels

Video Recordings

These video recordings are unlisted and private for you as a participant. As this is a collective experiment we request we wait to complete the experiment in January before sharing the video recordings beyond participants. We will decide as a group and organizers how to proceed with the video recordings after we have a chance to reflect on the experiment.

Recording of Opening Ceremony, Welcome and Briefing 21 December 2020

Miro training/play session on Tuesday 5th January 2021

Metaphorum Facilitator Zoom training E SYN 2030

Recording of Opening Plenary Wednesday 6 January 2021

Recording of Plenary Thursday 7 January 2021

Recording 5 minute summary reports from each team 13 January 2021

Recording of participant reflections at the concluding plenary 13 January 2021 (only the first 20 minutes. For some reason the recording stopped)

Recording of Reflection, Self Assessment, and Action meeting 29 January 2021

Software Tools used for Esyn2030

Miro Boards Website
Intro to Miro Webinar

General Background Reading

Team syntegrity and democratic group decision making: theory and practice: A Espinosa and R Harnden

The Malik Super-Syntegration


Stafford Beer explains Syntegration (extract from full video linked below)

Full video Stafford Beer on Viability, Autopoesis and Syntegration video recording in 1994 .. Syntegration as a way to strengthening the 3-4 communication. Discussion about Syntegration starts at around the 32 minute mark.

Stafford Beer The Falcondale Video Collection

From workshop to syntegration

Stafford Beer’s Syntegration as a Renascence of the Ancient Greek Agora in Present-day Organizations by Gunter Nittbaur (Malik Management Zentrum St. Gallen, Switzerland)


This event is an experiment and research project. Please read this Introduction to the eSyn2030 Research Project prepared by David Beatty.

There are two surveys planned, on pre-event and one post-event.

eSyn2030 Pre-event Survey Report

Post survey Raw Results

From the bar participant survey report coming soon.

The Curiosity/Discovery Lab.

We invite you to co-investigate with us your experience of protocol and personal journey..
1. The e-protocol: What worked? What improvements can we make? What else could we investigate? H :
We will be glad to hear your feedback & suggestions on the e-protocol in the Curiosity Lab. NOTE: We cannot open up Infoset conversations about the protocol while manifesting it. Shifts in timing on-line are very disruptive.

2. Learning Journey Consider e-syn2030 as a personal and collective (I/we) learning journey together in answering the O.Q. Each of us starts from a unique point, holds a unique strut, and leaves empowered for re- emerging to our Home Base. Learning about & understanding the personal & inter-personal relationships, reverberations created on-line is a complementary domain to the F2F design of Beyond Dispute.
3. There was a continuous Curiosity/Discovery Lab open during Outcome Resolves.

There is an eSyn2030 Curiosity Lab channel on Slack.

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