Stafford's Work


The following list is a first draft list that we are building, as a community about publications in academic journals about the Viable System Model. It is a work in progress, and we will soon invite our members to contribute to co-produce a more complete and properly classified list, with links to the resources and hopefully inviting insights from the researchers and practitioners about these resources.

Fattoum, A., Chari, S. Shaw, D. (2024). Configuring systems to be viable in a crisis: The role of intuitive decision-making. European Journal of Operational Research 317: 205–218

Sydelko, P., Espinosa, A.., Midgley, G. (2024).  Designing interagency responses to wicked problems: A viable system model board game. European Journal of Operational Research. 312: Pp. 746-764

Espejo, R. (2023). The Cybernetics of political communications and social transformation in Colombia: the case of the National Audit Office (1995–1998). Special Issue, Artificial Intelligence & Society. (37/3), pp. 1255–1267.

Espinosa, A., Walker, J., Grover, K., Vachkova, M. (2023). The viability and sustainability approach to support organisational resilience: Learning in a recent case study in the health sector. Syst Res Behav Sci., 40(4), pp. 689-700. https://doi.org/10.1002/sres.2951

Sydelko, P., Midgley, G. Espinosa, A. (2023). ‘Designing Interagency Responses To Wicked Problems: A Viable System Model Board Game’.  European Journal of Operational Research. Available online at: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S037722172300512X

Espejo, R. (2022). Cybersyn, big data, variety engineering and governance. AI & SOCIETY, (37), pp. 1163-1177.

Martinez, A.C., Espinosa, A. (2022). Corporate Viability and Sustainability: A Case study in a Mexican Corporation. Systems Research and Behavioural Sciences. 2022. 39, pp.143–158. DOI: 10.1002/sres.2748

Sydelko, P.,  Midgley, G. Espinosa, A. (2021). Designing interagency responses to wicked problems: Creating a common, cross-agency understanding, European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 294, Issue 1, 2021, pp.  250-263, ISSN 0377-2217.

Schwaninger, M., Schoenenberger, L. (2021). Cybernetic crisis management in a federal system—Insights from the Covid pandemic. Systems Research and Behavioural Sciences. DOI: 10.1002/sres.2826

Espejo, R. (2021). Covid19. Research Note. Systems Research and Behavioural Sciences. 38(1): 184-186.

Reyes, A. (2019). Special Issue: Rethinking Higher Education for the 21st century: a cyber-systemic contribution. Kybernetes.  48(7)

Lopez-Garay, H., Reyes, A. (2020). Learning the “systems language”: the current challenge for engineering education. Kybernetes, 48(7), pp. 1418-1436

Lowe, D., Espinosa, A., Yearworth, M. (2020). Constitutive rules for guiding the use of the Viable System Model: Reflections on practice. European Journal of Operational Research. 287(3): 1014-1035.

Cardoso Castro, P.P. and Espinosa, A. Cardoso-Castro, P.P., and Espinosa, A. (2020), “Identification of organisational pathologies: Exploration of social network analysis to support the viable system model diagnostic”, Kybernetes, 49(2): 285-312. https://doi.org/10.1108/K-10-2018-0557

Schwaninger, M. (2019a). Cybersystemic education: enabling society for a better future. Kybernetes, 48(7), pp. 1376-1397

Schwaninger, M. (2019b). Governance for intelligent organizations: a cybernetic contribution. Kybernetes, 48(1), pp. 35-57.

Martinez-Lozada, A. C. (2019). Facilitating organizational action regarding a co-operative’s governance system in a developing country using the viable systems model. Systems Research and Behavioural Science, 36, 538–550. https://doi.org/10.1002/sres.2569

Reyes, A. (2019). Special Issue: Rethinking Higher Education for the 21st century: a cyber-systemic contribution. Kybernetes.  48(7)

Saeed, S. and Gamal, S. (2019). The viable system model and its applications in higher education: an overview. Kybernetes. 48 (3) pp. 438-450

Vahidi, A., Aliahmadi , A., and E. Teimoury (2019). Research status and trends of management cybernetics and viable system model. Kybernetes, 48(5), pp. 1011-1044. https://doi.org/10.1108/K-11-2017-0433

Espinosa, A., & Duque, C. (2018). Complexity management and multi-scale governance: A case study in an Amazonian Indigenous Association. European Journal of Operational Research, 268(3), 1006–1020.

Copper, D. (2018). Systems thinking and organisational change in the NHS: From heroic to system leadership. In: Cybernetics and Systems: Social and Business Decisions. Chapter 4. Barile, S., Espejo, R., Perko, I., Saviano, M. (Eds). Taylor & Francis Group.

Paucar-Caceres, A. (2017), “A utilisation focussed and viable systems approach for evaluating technology supported learning”, European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier B.V., Vol. 259 No. 2, pp. 626-641.

Parra, C.A.T., Sarmiento, S.C.G. and Fatta, D. (2017), “Studying university as social systems using the viable system model: mApp and semantic web technologies at the industrial university of Santander”, Journal of Organisational Transformation and Social Change, Vol. 14 No. 1, pp. 56-77.

Schwaninger, M., & Scheef, C. (2016). A Test of the Viable System Model: theoretical Claim vs. Empirical Evidence. Cybern Syst, 47(7), 544–569. doi:10.1080/ 01969722.2016.1209375.

Lowe, D., Martingale, L., & Yearworth, M. (2016). Guiding interventions in a multi-organisational context: combining the Viable System Model and Hierarchical Process Modelling for use as a Problem Structuring Method. Journal of the Operational Research Society (2016) 67(12), 1481–1495. doi: 10.1057/jors.2016.6.

Puche, J., Ponte, B., Costas, J., Pino, R., and de la Fuente, D. (2016), ‘Systemic approach to supply chain management through the viable system model and the theory of constraints’, Production Planning and Control, 27 (5): 421-430

Dominici, G., & Roblek, V. (2016). Complexity theory for a new managerial paradigm: a research framework. In Neostrategic Management (pp. 223–241). Springer.

Panagiotakopoulos, P. D., Espinosa, A., & Walker, J. (2016). Sustainability management: insights from the Viable System Model. Journal of Cleaner Production, 113, 792–806.

Bohorquez, L.E., Espinosa, A. (2015). Theoretical approaches to managing complexity in organizations: a comparative analysis.  Estudios Gerenciales. 31 (2015) Pages 20–29.

Sahebjamnia N., Torabi S.A., Mansouri S.A., (2015), Integrated business continuity and disaster recovery planning: Towards organizational resilience, European Journal of Operational Research, 242, 1, 261, 273

Land F., (2015). Early history of the information systems discipline in the UK: An account based on living through the period, Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 36,  , 563, 575

Ahimbisibwe A., Cavana R.Y., Daellenbach U., (2015). A contingency fit model of critical success factors for software development projects: A comparison of agile and traditional plan-based methodologies, Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 28, 1, 7, 33

Alonso A.D., Bressan A., (2015). Resilience in the context of italian micro and small wineries: An empirical study, International Journal of Wine Business Research, 27, 1, 40, 60

Awuzie B.O., McDermott P., 2015, A conceptual model for evaluating infrastructure-based temporary multi-organisations, Built Environment Project and Asset Management, 5, 1, 103, 120

Badri A., 2015, The challenge of integrating ohs into industrial project risk management: Proposal of a methodological approach to guide future research (case of mining projects in Quebec, Canada), Minerals, 5, 2, 314, 334

Baugh D., 2015, Environmental scanning implications in the governance of complex systems, International Journal of System of Systems Engineering, 6, 01-Feb, 127, 143

Castro R., Jacovkis P., 2015, Computer-based global models: From early experiences to complex systems, JASSS, 18, 1.  

Chatzimichailidou M.M., Stanton N.A., Dokas I.M., 2015, The concept of risk situation awareness provision: Towards a new approach for assessing the DSA about the threats and vulnerabilities of complex socio-technical systems, Safety Science, 79, pp. 126-138.

Chesterman C.W., Walters D.C., Adams K.M., 2015, Metasystem communication in governance of complex systems, International Journal of System of Systems Engineering, 6, 01-Feb, pp. 101-111.

Dhillon S.K., Ibrahim R., Selamat A., 2015, Factors associated with scholarly publication productivity among academic staff: Case of a Malaysian public university, Technology in Society, 42,  pp.160-166.

Diaz Nafria J.M., Alfonso Cendon J., Panizo Alonso L., 2015, Building up eParticipatory decision-making from the local to the global scale. Study case at the European Higher Education Area, Computers in Human Behavior, 47,  , 26, 41

Espinosa A., Reficco E., Martinez A., Guzman D., 2015, A methodology for supporting strategy implementation based on the VSM: A case study in a Latin-American multi-national, European Journal of Operational Research, 240, 1, 202, 212.

Espejo, R. (2015). An Enterprise Complexity Model: Variety Engineering and Dynamic Capabilities. International Journal of Systems and Society, 2(1), 1-22.

Schwaninger, M., Ramage, M., & Espejo, R. (2015). Organizing for Sustainability: A Cybernetic Concept for Sustainable Renewal. Kybernetes, 44(6/7), 935–954.

Fang Y., Zhu D., Zheng Y., 2015, The current status and systematic framework of talent programmes in basic research in China: a system theory perspective, Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, 27, 6, 722, 738

Foss R., 2015, A self organising network model of information gathering by the honey bee swarm, Kybernetes, 44, 3, 353, 367

Katina P.F., 2015, Emerging systems theory-based pathologies for governance of complex systems, International Journal of System of Systems Engineering, 6, 01-Feb, 144, 159

Keating C.B., Bradley J.M., 2015, Complex system governance reference model, International Journal of System of Systems Engineering, 6, 01-Feb, 33, 52

Lauras M., Benaben F., Truptil S., Charles A., 2015, Event-cloud platform to support decision-making in emergency management, Information Systems Frontiers, 17, 4, 857, 869

Li M., El Haouzi H.B., Thomas A., Guidat A., 2015, Fuzzy decision-making method for product holons encountered emergency breakdown in product-driven system: An industrial case, Studies in Computational Intelligence, 594,  , 243, 256

Mahamed Ismail N.A., Welch C., Xu M., 2015, Towards a sustainable quality of university research: Knowledge sharing, Knowledge Management Research and Practice, 13, 2, 168, 177

Pellas N., 2015, A cybernetic framework to articulate the organisational complexity of users’ interactions with the jigsaw technique in an open SIM standalone server, International Journal of Innovation and Learning, 17, 3, 326, 358

Preece G., Shaw D., Hayashi H., 2015, Application of the Viable System Model to analyse communications structures: A case study of disaster response in Japan, European Journal of Operational Research, 243, 1, 312, 322

Regaliza J.C.P., 2015, Quantitative analysis of viable systems model on software projects in the ict sector in castilla y león, Kybernetes, 44, 5, 806, 822

Shen C.-Y., Midgley G., 2015, Action research in a problem avoiding culture using a Buddhist systems methodology, Action Research, 13, 2, 170, 193

Sousa-Poza A., Keating C., Kovacic S., 2015, Systems engineering: evolution and challenges, International Journal of System of Systems Engineering, 5, 4, 379, 399

Tang F., 2015, When communication quality is trustworthy? Transactive memory systems and the mediating role of trust in software development teams, R and D Management, 45, 1, 41, 59

Tavella E., Papadopoulos T., 2015, Expert and novice facilitated modelling: A case of a Viable System Model workshop in a local food network, Journal of the Operational Research Society, 66, 2, 247, 264

Wang E., Zheng D., Li X., 2015, Cross-organizational information sharing and coordination in disaster response: The case of the 2008 Wenchuan China earthquake, Journal of Disaster Research, 10, 2, 363, 372

Adham K.A., Kasimin H., Mat Isa R., Othman F., Ahmad F., 2015, Developing a Framework for a Viable Research University, Systemic Practice and Action Research.

Barile, S., Saviano, M., Iandolo, F., & Calabrese, M. (2014). The viable systems approach and its contribution to the analysis of sustainable business behaviours. Systems Research and Behavioural Science, 31(6), 683–695. 

Lepmets M., Mesquida A.L., Cater-Steel A., Mas A., Ras E., 2014, The evaluation of the IT service quality measurement framework in industry, Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management, 15, 1, 39, 57

Johnson M.W., Sherlock D., 2014, Beyond the Personal Learning Environment: Attachment and control in the classroom of the future, Interactive Learning Environments, 22, 2, 146, 164

Katina P.F., Despotou G., Calida B.Y., Kholodkov T., Keating C.B., 2014, Sustainability of systems of systems, International Journal of System of Systems Engineering, 5, 2, 93, 113

Kazaras K., Kontogiannis T., Kirytopoulos K., 2014, Proactive assessment of breaches of safety constraints and causal organizational breakdowns in complex systems: A joint STAMP-VSM framework for safety assessment, Safety Science, 62,  , 233, 247

Taylor G., 2014, Viability: A priority criterion for the mitigation of climate change and other complex socio-ecological issues, Journal of Futures Studies, 19, 1, 77, 96

Azadeh A., Darivandi Shoushtari K., Saberi M., Teimoury E., 2014, An integrated artificial neural network and system dynamics approach in support of the viable system model to enhance industrial intelligence: The case of a large broiler industry, Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 31, 2, 236, 257

Berente N., Lee J., 2014, How process improvement efforts can drive organisational innovativeness, Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, 26, 4, 417, 433

Fabbe-Costes N., Roussat C., Taylor M., Taylor A., 2014, Sustainable supply chains: A framework for environmental scanning practices, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 34, 5, 664, 694

Fitch D., 2014, An Organizational Cybernetics Framework for Achieving Balance in Evidence-Based Practice and Practice-Based Evidence, Journal of Evidence-Based Social Work, 11, 01-Feb, 114, 126

Jaaron A.A.M., Backhouse C.J., 2014, Service organisations resilience through the application of the vanguard method of systems thinking: A case study approach, International Journal of Production Research, 52, 7, 2026, 2041

Regaliza J.C.P., 2014, Extending the viable system model scope on ICT-sector software projects in Castilla y León, Kybernetes, 43, 2, 192, 209

Small A., Wainwright D., 2014, SSM and technology management: Developing multimethodology through practice, European Journal of Operational Research, 233, 3, 660, 673

Assimakopoulos N.A., Miaris A.V., Souliotis K.N., Priftis C.I., 2014, Viable process systemic multi-methodology: A real case in the Greek Organization for Health Care Services Provision, International Journal of Applied Systemic Studies, 5, 3, 162, 176

Auernhammer J., Hall H., 2014, Organizational culture in knowledge creation, creativity and innovation: Towards the Freiraum model, Journal of Information Science, 40, 2, 154, 166

Crnogaj K., Rebernik M., Hojnik B.B., Gomezelj D.O., 2014, Building a model of researching the sustainable entrepreneurship in the tourism sector, Kybernetes, 43, 3, 377, 393

Cunningham P.A., 2014, Exploring the efficacy of consensus-based decision-making: A pilot study of the Cloughjordan Ecovillage, Ireland, International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis, 7, 2, 233, 253

de la Cerda O.G., Ulloa M.S.S., 2014, Enactive management: Dancing with uncertainty and complexity, Kybernetes, 43, 8, 1237, 1247

Dhakal S.P., 2014, Securing the Future of Urban Environmental Sustainability Initiatives in Australia, Urban Policy and Research, 32, 4, 459, 475

Fitch D., Parker-Barua L., Watt J.W., 2014, Envisioning Public Child Welfare Agencies as Learning Organizations: Applying Beer’s Viable System Model to Title IV-E Program Evaluation, Journal of Public Child Welfare, 8, 2, 119, 142

Gomez C., Sanchez-Silva M., Duenas-Osorio L., 2014, An applied complex systems framework for risk-based decision-making in infrastructure engineering, Structural Safety, 50,  , 66, 77

Hildbrand S., Bodhanya S., 2014, Application of the viable system model in a complex sugarcane supply chain, British Food Journal, 116, 12, 2048, 2068

Huovinen P., 2014, Advancement of international business ideation as three recursive, multi-competence-enabled systems, Research in Competence-Based Management, 7,  , 337, 377

Kidd J., 2014, The ‘law of requisite variety’ may assist climate change negotiations: A review of the Kyoto and Durban meetings, Knowledge Management Research and Practice, 12, 1, 62, 73

Macgill V., 2014, Convergence Gathering as an Example of a Medium-Scale Acephalous Group, Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 31, 5, 606, 613

Mugurusi G., de Boer L., 2014, Conceptualising the production offshoring organisation using the viable systems model (VSM), Strategic Outsourcing, 7, 3, 275, 298

Nyfjord J., Bathallath S., Kjellin H., 2014, Conventions for coordinating large agile projects, Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, 199,  , 58, 72

Ortiz de Diaz M.O., Rodriguez Ygualguana M.V., 2014, Development of an automated system for stock control and cull parts of a company of automotive parts [Desarrollo de un sistema automatizado para el control de existencias y reposicion de repuestos de una empresa de repuestos automotriz], Espacios, 35, 5,  ,  

Persson M., Rigas G., 2014, Complexity: The dark side of network-centric warfare, Cognition, Technology and Work, 16, 1, 103, 115

Phipps D.L., Harris D., 2014, Perceptual control and feedback control in the analysis of complex tasks:, Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science, 15, 5, 505, 516

Poblador N.S., 2014, The strategy Dilemma: Why big business moves seldom pan out as planned, DLSU Business and Economics Review, 23, 2, 136, 144

Rautakivi T., 2014, The role and effects of efficacy in socioeconomic development and foreign direct investment: A comparative study of south korea and singapore, Journal of Organisational Transformation and Social Change, 11, 3, 230, 245

Rose J.F., Hawryszkiewycz I., Kang K., 2014, When and how to facilitate the introduction of new knowledge processes in organisations, VINE, 44, 2, 210, 227

Sarkkinen M., Kassi T., 2014, Strategic decision-making in the context of a regional innovation system, International Journal of Business and Systems Research, 8, 3, 295, 314

Spyridopoulos T., Topa I.-A., Tryfonas T., Karyda M., 2014, A holistic approach for cyber assurance of critical infrastructure with the viable system model, IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 428,  , 438, 445

Torlak N.G., Muceldili B., 2014, Soft Systems Methodology in Action: The Example of a Private Hospital, Systemic Practice and Action Research, 27, 4, 325, 361

Vinnakota T.R., Kadri F.L., Grant S., Malinova L., Tuddenham P.D., Garcia S., 2014, Multiple perspectives on the terms “cyberneticist” versus “cybernetician”: From a group of ASC Conference participants, Kybernetes, 43,  , 1425, 1434

Wang S., Li L., Jones J.D., 2014, Systemic thinking on services science, management and engineering: Applications and challenges in services systems research, IEEE Systems Journal, 8, 3, 803, 820

Yolles M., Fink G., 2014, Personality, pathology and mindsets: Part 2 – cultural traits and enantiomers, Kybernetes, 43, 1, 113, 134

Yolles M., Fink G., 2014, Personality, pathology and mindsets: Part 3 – pathologies and corruption, Kybernetes, 43, 1, 135, 143

Preece G., Shaw D., Hayashi H., 2013, Using the Viable System Model (VSM) to structure information processing complexity in disaster response, European Journal of Operational Research, 224, 1, 209, 218

Espinosa, A., & Walker, J. (2013). Complexity management in practice: A Viable System Model intervention in an Irish eco-community. Eur J Oper Res, 225(1), 118– 129. doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2012.09.015.

Dominici, G., Palumbo, F. (2013). Decoding the Japanese Lean Production System According to a Viable Systems Perspective. Systemic Practice and Action Research, 26(2), pp. 153-171.

Aleksic A., Stefanovic M., Arsovski S., Tadic D., 2013, An assessment of organizational resilience potential in SMEs of the process industry, a fuzzy approach, Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 26, 6, 1238, 1245

Burgess N., Wake N., 2013, The applicability of the Viable Systems Model as a diagnostic for small to medium sized enterprises, International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 62, 1, 29, 46

Dominici G., Palumbo F., 2013, Decoding the Japanese Lean Production System According to a Viable Systems Perspective, Systemic Practice and Action Research, 26, 2, 153, 171

Wilson D.T., Hawe G.I., Coates G., Crouch R.S., 2013, A multi-objective combinatorial model of casualty processing in major incident response, European Journal of Operational Research, 230, 3, 643, 655

Grant R.M., 2013, Reflections on knowledge-based approaches to the organization of production, Journal of Management and Governance, 17, 3, 541, 558

Bhattacharya A., Geraghty J., Young P., Byrne P.J., 2013, Design of a resilient shock absorber for disrupted supply chain networks: A shock-dampening fortification framework for mitigating excursion events, Production Planning and Control, 24, 08-Sep, 721, 742

Darivandi Shoushtari K., 2013, Redesigning a Large Supply Chain Management System to Reduce the Government Administration: A Socio-Functional Systems Approach, Systemic Practice and Action Research, 26, 2, 195, 216

de Mendonc C.M.C., Guerra L.C.B., de Souza Neto M.V., de Araujo A.G., 2013, Governance of information technology: A study of decision making in public and private organizations [Governança de tecnologia da informação: Um estudo do processo decisório em organizações públicas e privadas], Revista de Administracao Publica, 47, 2, 443, 468

Karimpour J., Alyari R., Noroozi A.A., 2013, Formal framework for specifying dynamic reconfiguration of adaptive systems, IET Software, 7, 5, 258, 270

Yao F., Zhang J., Liu Y., Zhao H., 2013, Review of the development of dynamic spectrum management and the resolving strategies analysis, Dianbo Kexue Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Radio Science, 28, 4, 794, 803

Abraham R., Tribolet J., Winter R., 2013, Transformation of multi-level systems – theoretical grounding and consequences for enterprise architecture management, Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, LNBIP 146,  , 73, 87

Bettiol M., De Marchi V., Di Maria E., Grandinetti R., 2013, Managing knowledge in smart networks, International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations, 13, 3, 245, 262

Dominici G., Basile G., Palumbo F., 2013, Viable systems approach and consumer culture theory: A conceptual framework, Journal of Organisational Transformation and Social Change, 10, 3, 262, 285

Ing D., 2013, Rethinking systems thinking: Learning and coevolving with the world, Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 30, 5, 527, 547

Insaurralde C.C., 2013, Autonomic computing technology for autonomous marine vehicles, Ocean Engineering, 74,  , 233, 246

Lin F., Cheng T.C.E., Huang C., Liang X., Zhao J., 2013, Developing an organization design framework and sample based on the total relationship flow management theorems, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 43, 6, 1466, 1476

MacGill V.R.D., 2013, Developing a cybernetic lifestyle, Kybernetes, 42, 9, 1424, 1430

Masclef O., 2013, The role of gift and gratuitousness in the firm: Theories and evidences [Le rôle du don et du gratuit dans l’entreprise: Théories et évidences], Economies et Societes, 47, 1, 7, 31

Meo Colombo C., Pellicelli M., 2013, Outsourcing strategies: The rules for an effective decision making process, Change Management, 12, 4, 31, 43

Mohtarami A., Hosseini S.H.K., Kandjani H., 2013, Rethinking the national innovation system functions based on viable system model: A theoretical discussion and a comparative analysis, Middle East Journal of Scientific Research, 16, 10, 1383, 1392

Nechansky H., 2013, Issues of organizational cybernetics and viability beyond Beers viable systems model, International Journal of General Systems, 42, 8, 838, 859

Reinhart G., Meis J.-F., Reisenv K., Schindler S., 2013, Biomimetics in production management [Bionik in der Produktionsorganisation: Was wir von Ameisen und anderen sozialen Insekten lernen können], ZWF Zeitschrift fuer Wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb, 108, 9, 608, 612

Robinson D.T., 2013, Introducing managers to the VSM using a personal VSM, Kybernetes, 42, 1, 125, 139

Rosenkranz C., Holten R., 2013, Using the Viable System Model for methodical assessment of variety in organizations: The story of designing a method, Journal of Database Management, 24, 3, 9, 30

Van Cranenburgh K.C., Liket K., Roome N., 2013, Management Responses to Social Activism in an Era of Corporate Responsibility: A Case Study, Journal of Business Ethics, 118, 3, 497, 513

Ritala, P., Hurmelinna-Laukkanen, P. & Nätti, S. (2012) Coordination in innovation-generating business networks – the case of Finnish Mobile TV development. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 27(4), 324-334.

Keating C.B., Katina P.F., 2012, Prevalence of pathologies in systems of systems, International Journal of System of Systems Engineering, 3, 03-Apr, 243, 267

Thomas A., Trentesaux D., Valckenaers P., 2012, Intelligent distributed production control, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 23, 6, 2507, 2512

Dauber D., Fink G., Yolles M., 2012, A configuration model of organizational culture, SAGE Open, 2, 1, 1, 16

Kontogiannis T., Malakis S., 2012, A systemic analysis of patterns of organizational breakdowns in accidents: A case from Helicopter Emergency Medical Service (HEMS) operations, Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 99,  , 193, 208

Azadeh A., Darivandi K., Fathi E., 2012, Diagnosing, Simulating and Improving Business Process Using Cybernetic Laws and the Viable System Model: The Case of a Purchasing Process, Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 29, 1, 66, 86

Blomme R.J., 2012, Leadership, complex adaptive systems, and equivocality: The role of managers in emergent change, Organisation Management Journal, 9, 1, 4, 19

Higgins E., Taylor M., Francis H., 2012, A Systemic Approach to Fire Prevention Support, Systemic Practice and Action Research, 25, 5, 393, 406

Maier R., Thalmann S., 2012, Collaborative ethnography for information systems research: Studying knowledge work practices and designing supportive information systems, Australasian Journal of Information Systems, 17, 2, 137, 160

Muller M.O., Groesser S.N., Ulli-Beer S., 2012, How do we know who to include in collaborative research? toward a method for the identification of experts, European Journal of Operational Research, 216, 2, 495, 502

Adham K.A., Kasimin H., Said M.F., Igel B., 2012, Functions and inter-relationships of operating agencies in policy implementation from a viable system perspective, Systemic Practice and Action Research, 25, 2, 149, 170

Alaraifi A., Molla A., Deng H., 2012, An exploration of data center information systems, Journal of Systems and Information Technology, 14, 4, 353, 370

Brocklesby J., 2012, Using the viable systems model to examine multi-agency arrangements for combatting transnational organised crime, Journal of the Operational Research Society, 63, 3, 418, 430

Kontogiannis T., Malakis S., 2012, Recursive modeling of loss of control in human and organizational processes: A systemic model for accident analysis, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 48,  , 303, 316

Roome N., 2012, A cybernetic model of corporate responsibility-sensing changes in business and society, International Journal of Technology Management, 60, 01-Feb, 4, 22

Barragan-Ocana A., Quijano-Solis A., Vega-Diaz G., Sanchez-Lara B., 2012, Communities of practice: A focus from complex systems, International Journal of General Systems, 41, 7, 741, 755

Bula G., Espejo R., 2012, Governance and inclusive democracy, Kybernetes, 41, 3, 339, 347

Espejo R., 2012, Seeing organisations: Epistemological considerations, Kybernetes, 41, 3, 327, 338

Harwood S.A., 2012, The management of change and the Viplan Methodology in practice, Journal of the Operational Research Society, 63, 6, 748, 761

Murad R.S.A., Cavana R.Y., 2012, Applying the viable system model to ICT project management, International Journal of Applied Systemic Studies, 4, 3, 186, 205

Ramirez M.C., Plazas J., Torres C., Silva J.C., Caicedo L.C., Gonzalez M.A., 2012, A systemic framework to develop sustainable engineering solutions in rural communities in Colombia, Systemic Practice and Action Research, 25, 2, 95, 116

Schwaninger M., 2012, Making change happen: Recollections of a systems professional, Kybernetes, 41, 3, 348, 367

Adham K.A., Said M.F., Kasimin H., Abdullah N.A., 2012, Viable system model and policy implementation: The case of MSC-status incubators [Model sistem viable dan pelaksanaan dasar: Kajian kes inkubator perniagaan berstatus MSC], Jurnal Pengurusan, 34,  , 101, 122

Bell S.H., 2012, System of systems information assurance policy: A call for reform, International Journal of System of Systems Engineering, 3, 03-Apr, 347, 355

Ganzert C., Martinelli D.P., Delai I., 2012, Intelligence systems methodology: A systemic approach to the organizational intelligence function, Knowledge Management Research and Practice, 10, 2, 141, 152

Hester P.T., Adams K.M., Kern D.J., 2012, Integrated condition assessment for Navy system of systems, International Journal of System of Systems Engineering, 3, 03-Apr, 356, 367

Maier R., Thalmann S., 2012, Collaborative ethnography for information systems research: Studying knowledge work practices and designing supportive information systems, Australasian Journal of Information Systems, 17, 2, 8, 146

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Siponen M.T., 2005, Analysis of modern IS security development approaches: Towards the next generation of social and adaptable ISS methods, Information and Organization, 15, 4, 339, 375

Holland C.P., Shaw D.R., Kawalek P., 2005, BP’s multi-enterprise asset management system, Information and Software Technology, 47, 15, 999, 1007

Potocan V., Mulej M., Kajzer S., 2005, Business cybernetics: A provocative suggestion, Kybernetes, 34, 09-Oct, 1496, 1516

Becker J., 2005, Measuring progress towards sustainable development: An ecological framework for selecting indicators, Local Environment, 10, 1, 87, 101

Yolles M., 2005, Organisational intelligence, Journal of Workplace Learning, 17, 01-Feb, 99, 114

Devine S., 2005, The viable systems model applied to a national system of innovation to inform policy development, Systemic Practice and Action Research, 18, 5, 491, 517

McLellan H., Bateman H., Bailey P., 2005, The place of 360 degree appraisal within a team approach to professional development, Journal of Interprofessional Care, 19, 2, 137, 148

Choi C.J., Hilton B., 2005, Knowledge resources: Critical systems thinking, viable system model and ‘gifts’, Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 22, 6, 561, 564

Chen C.H., 2005, Case study application of VSM to transfer pricing, Systemic Practice and Action Research, 18, 4, 379, 394

Lodhi S.A., Kalim R., 2005, Strategic directions for developing an Islamic banking system, Pakistan Development Review, 44, 4 PART II, 1003, 1018

Demeester L., Eichler K., Loch C.H., 2004, Organic production systems: What the biological cell can teach us about manufacturing, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, 6, 2, 115, 132

Shaw D.R., Snowdon B., Holland C.P., Kawalek P., Warboys B., 2004, The viable systems model applied to a smart network: The case of the UK electricity market, Journal of Information Technology, 19, 4, 270, 280

Espinosa A., Harnden R., Walker J., 2004, Cybernetics and participation: From theory to practice, Systemic Practice and Action Research, 17, 6, 573, 589

Schwaninger M., Koerner M., 2004, City planning “Dissolving” urban problems insights from an application of management cybernetics, Kybernetes, 33, 03-Apr, 557, 576

Schuhmann W., 2004, Observing experiences with the VSM, Kybernetes, 33, 03-Apr, 609, 631

Rios J.P., 2004, A self-organizing network for the systems community, Kybernetes, 33, 03-Apr, 590, 606

Choi C.J., Tay J., 2004, Knowledge consumption, Journal of Information and Knowledge Management, 3, 4, 291, 295

Eichorn F.L., 2004, Applying internal customer relationship management (IntCRM) principles to improving business / IT integration and performance, Problems and Perspectives in Management, 2, 4, 125, 148

Liber, O. (2004), “Cybernetics, e-learning and the education system”, International Journal of Learning Technology, Vol. 1 No. 1, pp. 127-140.

Yolles M., Guo K., 2003, Paradigmatic Metamorphosis and Organizational Development, Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 20, 2, 177, 199

Nurcan S., Rolland C., 2003, A multi-method for defining the organizational change, Information and Software Technology, 45, 2, 61, 82

Lewis G.J., Stewart N., 2003, The Measurement of Environmental Performance: An Application of Ashby’s Law, Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 20, 1, 31, 52

Schwaninger M., 2003, A cybernetic model to enhance organizational intelligence, Systems Analysis Modelling Simulation, 43, 1, 53, 65

Achterbergh J., Beeres R., Vriens D., 2003, Does the balanced scorecard support organizational viability?, Kybernetes, 32, 09-Oct, 1387, 1404

Beard A.N., Santos-Reyes J., 2003, A Safety Management System Model with Application to Fire Safety Offshore, Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance: Issues and Practice, 28, 3, 413, 425

Warren M., Hutchinson W., 2003, A security risk management approach for e-commerce, Information Management and Computer Security, 11, 5, 238, 242

Ribeiro-Justo G.R., Karran T., 2003, Modelling organic adaptable service-oriented enterprise architectures, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 2889,  , 123, 136

Tarride M.I., 2003, System’s identity conservation requirements, Kybernetes, 32, 09-Oct, 1464, 1472

Warren L., 2003, Toward Critical Intervention in Small and Medium – Sized Enterprises: A Case Study, Systemic Practice and Action Research, 16, 3, 197, 211

Achterbergh J., Vriens D., 2002, Managing Viable Knowledge, Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 19, 3, 223, 241

Espinosa, A., Jackson, M.C. (2002). A systemic look at educational development programs: Two perspectives on a recent Colombian experience”, Kybernetes, Vol 31 No 9/10, 1324-1335. ISBN 0368-492X.

Espejo R., 2002, Self-construction and Restricted Conversations, Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 19, 6, 517, 529

Stephens J., Haslett T., 2002, Action learning as a mindset – The evolution of PICCO, Systemic Practice and Action Research, 15, 6, 485, 507

Hutchinson W., Warren M., 2002, Truth, lies, reality and deception: An issue for e-commerce, International Journal of Services, Technology and Management, 3, 2, 208, 221

Schwaninger M., 2001, Intelligent organizations: An integrative framework, Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 18, 2, 137, 158

Bula, G. (2001). Observations on the development of cybernetic ideas  in       Colombia: A tribute to Stafford  Beer, Kybernetes, 33, pp. 647–658.

Santos-Reyes J., Beard A.N., 2001, A systemic approach to fire safety management, Fire Safety Journal, 36, 4, 359, 390

Schwaninger M., 2001, System theory and cybernetics: A solid basis for transdisciplinarity in management education and research, Kybernetes, 30, 09-Oct, 1209, 1222

Michaelson R., Helliar C., Power D., Sinclair D., 2001, Evaluating FINESSE: A case-study in group-based CAL, Computers and Education, 37, 1, 67, 80

Luckett S., Ngubane S., Memela B., 2001, Designing a Management System for a Rural Community Development Organization Using a Systemic Action Research Process, Systemic Practice and Action Research, 14, 4, 517, 542

Espejo R., Bula G., Zarama R., 2001, Auditing as the Dissolution of Corruption, Systemic Practice and Action Research, 14, 2, 139, 156

Martinelli D.P., 2001, Systems hierarchies and management, Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 18, 1, 69, 82

Espejo R., 2001, Auditing as a Trust Creation Process, Systemic Practice and Action Research, 14, 2, 215, 236

Kidd J., Richter F.-J., 2001, The hollowing out of the workforce: What potential for organisational learning?, Human Systems Management, 20, 1, 7, 18

Reyes A., 2001, Second-Order Auditing Practices, Systemic Practice and Action Research, 14, 2, 157, 180

Lofstedt U., 2001, Competence development and learning organizations: A critical analysis of practical guidelines and methods, Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 18, 2, 115, 125

Urdaneta R.Z., 2001, Creating a New Auditor at the Contraloría General de la República de Colombia (CGR), Systemic Practice and Action Research, 14, 2, 181, 202

Ghosal A., 2001, Heuristic economics – Its cybernetic undertone, Kybernetes, 30, 09-Oct, 1118, 1125

Svensson S., 2001, Developing a command structure in the fire services: From enlistment to a viable system, Fire Engineers Journal, 61, 215, 24,  

Waidringer J., 2001, Complexity in transportation and logistics systems an integrated approach to modelling and analysis, Doktorsavhandlingar vid Chalmers Tekniska Hogskola,  , 1709, V+1, 125

Schwaninger M., 2000, Managing Complexity – The Path Toward Intelligent Organizations, Systemic Practice and Action Research, 13, 2, 207, 241

Leonard A., 2000, The viable system model and knowledge management, Kybernetes, 29, 05-Jun, 710, 715

Rolland C., Nurcan S., Grosz G., 2000, Decision-making pattern for guiding the enterprise knowledge development process, Information and Software Technology, 42, 5, 313, 331

Espejo R., 2000, Self-construction of desirable social systems, Kybernetes, 29, 07-Aug, 949, 963

Rebernik M., Mulej M., 2000, Requisite holism, isolating mechanisms and entrepreneurship, Kybernetes, 29, 09-Oct, 1126, 1140

Maiteny P.T., Ison R.L., 2000, Appreciating Systems: Critical Reflections on the Changing Nature of Systems as a Discipline in a Systems-Learning Society, Systemic Practice and Action Research, 13, 4, 559, 586

Adman P., Warren L., 2000, Participatory sociotechnical design of organizations and information systems – An adaptation of ethics methodology, Journal of Information Technology, 15, 1, 39, 51

Tuan N.-T., Ryan T., 2000, Toward a humanized systemic organization: A confucian perspective, Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 17, 4, 341, 348

Assimakopoulos N.A., 2000, Structured total systems intervention systemic multi-MEthodology of viable systems and metasystems (STIMEVIS), Human Systems Management, 19, 1, 61, 69

Beer S., 2000, Ten pints of Beer the rationale of Stafford Beer’s cybernetic books (1959-94), Kybernetes, 29, 05-Jun, 558, 572

Kidd J., 2000, Networked management of strategic alliances: Oriental and Occidental perceptions, Computers and Industrial Engineering, 38, 1, 203, 214

Espejo R., Bowling D., Hoverstadt P., 1999, The viable system model and the Viplan software, Kybernetes, 28, 06-Jul, 661, 678

Collins D., 1999, Born to fail? Empowerment, ambiguity and set overlap, Personnel Review, 28, 3, 208, 221

Espejo R., 1999, Aspects of identity, cohesion, citizenship and performance in recursive organisations, Kybernetes, 28, 06-Jul, 640, 658

Carson E.R., Cramp D.G., Morgan A., Roudsari A.V., 1998, Clinical decision support, systems methodology, and telemedicine: their role in the management of chronic disease, IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, 2, 2, 80, 88

Espejo R., Stewart N.D., 1998, Systemic reflections on environmental sustainability, Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 15, 6, 483, 496

Benton C., Kijima K., 1998, Variety engineering in the changing competitive environment of Japanese retail distribution, Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 15, 1, 3, 14

Larsson N.O., Malmsjo A., 1998, A Model for Design of Human Activity Systems, Systemic Practice and Action Research, 11, 4, 455, 479

Kunsch P.L., Chevalier A., 1998, A multiattractor model for the dynamic control of companies, European Journal of Operational Research, 109, 2, 403, 413

Pogodin V.A., 1998, On some aspects of cognitive graphics application for systems thinking and systems practice, Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 15, 4, 327, 341

Bititci U.S., Carrie A.S., McDevitt L., 1997, Integrated performance measurement systems: An audit and development guide, TQM Magazine, 9, 1, 46, 53

Blackstone Jr. J.H., Gardiner L.R., Gardiner S.C., 1997, A framework for the systemic control of organizations, International Journal of Production Research, 35, 3, 597, 609

Lewis G.J., 1997, A cybernetic view of environmental management: the implications for business organizations, Business Strategy and the Environment, 6, 5, 264, 275

Espinosa, A. (1997). A Monitoring System for a social development program in Colombia.  Systems Practice, July. ISBN 1094-429X

De Raadt J.D.R., 1997, A sketch for humane operational research in a technological society, Systems Practice, 10, 4, 421, 441

Rebernik M., 1997, Beyond markets, hierarchies and ownership mania in transitional countries, Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 14, 3, 183, 194

Haynes M.G., McGregor A.G., Stewart N.D., 1997, The business team standard: A means of improving the effectiveness of individual businesses in a multibusiness corporation, Systems Practice, 10, 3, 219, 239

Espinosa A., 1997, A monitoring system for the social development program in Colombia, Systems Practice, 10, 4, 459, 472

Paritsis N.C., 1997, Sociocultural systems design based on collective intelligence functions, Cybernetica, 40, 4, 297, 318

Parra-Luna F., 1997, The notion of system as a conceptual bridge between the sociology of organizations and organizational efficiency, Kybernetes, 26, 06-Jul, 816, 823

Dunsire A., 1996, Tipping the balance: Autopoiesis and governance, Administration and Society, 28, 3, 299, 334

Brocklesby J., Cummings S., 1996, Designing a viable organization structure, Long Range Planning, 29, 1, 49, 57

Espejo R., 1996, Requirements for effective participation in self-constructed organizations, European Management Journal, 14, 4, 414, 422

Yolles M.I., 1996, Critical systems thinking, paradigms, and the modelling space, Systems Practice, 9, 6, 549, 570

Deacon S.A., 1996, Utilizing structural family therapy and systems theory in the business world, Contemporary Family Therapy, 18, 4, 549, 565

Watson H., Wood-Harper T., 1996, Deconstruction contexts in interpreting methodology, Journal of Information Technology, 11, 1, 59, 70

Kilmann R.H., 1996, Management learning organizations: Enhancing business education for the 21 st century, Management Learning, 27, 2, 203, 237

Van Der Zouwen J., 1996, Methodological problems with the empirical testability of sociocybernetic theories, Kybernetes, 25, 07-Aug, 100, 108

Brauer T., 1996, What would you expect of a boy named sue?, Systems Practice, 9, 4, 357, 376

Wright D.T., Williams D.J., 1996, Manufacturing process modelling using object-oriented qualitative analysis methodology, Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, 18, 2, 77, 91

Jones M., 1995, Organisational learning: Collective mind or cognitivist metaphor?, Accounting, Management and Information Technologies, 5, 1, 61, 77

Ho J.K.K., Sculli D., 1995, System complexity and the design of decision support systems, Systems Practice, 8, 5, 505, 516

Watson H., Wood-Harper T., Wood B., 1995, Interpreting methodology under erasure: Between Theory and Practice, Systems Practice, 8, 4, 441, 468

Holtham C., 1995, Integrating technologies to support action, Interacting with Computers, 7, 1, 91, 107

Kamm R., 1995, Information and the mechanistic metaphor: The place of information in organizational thought, Systems Practice, 8, 5, 517, 536

Britton G.A., McCallion H., 1994, An overview of the Singer/Churchman/Ackoff School Of Thought, Systems Practice, 7, 5, 487, 521

Dickover N., 1994, Reflection-in-Action: Modeling a specific organization through the Viable Systems Model, Systems Practice, 7, 1, 43, 62

Clemson B., 1994, The VSM toolbox: Software for the viable system model, Systems Practice, 7, 3, 281, 296

Beer S., 1994, May the whole earth be happy:Loka Samastat Sukhino Bhavantu, Systems Practice, 7, 4, 439, 450

Clemson B., 1994, A parable of two princes: An effective approach to national development, Systems Practice, 7, 6, 619, 631

Britton G.A., Parker J., 1993, An explication of the viable system model for project management, Systems Practice, 6, 1, 21, 51

Bonney M.C., Head M.A., 1993, Progress on developing a framework for computer aided production management, International Journal of Production Economics, 30-31, C, 345, 353

Cummings S., Brocklesby J., 1993, The classical system-organizational insights into what made Periclean Athens great, Systems Practice, 6, 4, 335, 357

Espejo R., 1993, Domains of interaction between a social system and its environment, Systems Practice, 6, 5, 517, 525

Hitchins D.K., 1993, A unified systems hypothesis, Systems Practice, 6, 6, 613, 645

Tsoukas H., 1992, Ways of seeing: Topographic and network representations in organization theory, Systems Practice, 5, 4, 441, 456

Espejo Raul, 1992, Management of complexity in problem solving, Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, 14, 1, 8, 16

Kampfner R.R., 1992, The analysis of distributed control and information processing in adaptive systems: a biologically motivated approach, BioSystems, 26, 3, 139, 153

Jackson M.C., 1992, The soul of the viable system model, Systems Practice, 5, 5, 561, 564

Bowling Diane, Espejo Raul, 1992, Intervention with the cybernetic methodology in regent engineering, Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, 14, 1, 17, 28

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