Join the community for free or as a full paying member
- Associate: free membership with access to Groups and to some resources and content.
- Member: paying member with access to the resources and valuable content. As a Member, you support the Metaphorum community and you help to promote the ideas and concepts.
Special Interest Groups
You are invited to participate in the Groups and shape the face of our community.
About the SIGs
SIGs are designed for autonomy, i.e. they are self organised and define their membership rules, organisation, purpose and objectives.
What is expected from a SIG
To become a MPH SIG, the group needs to maintain a few standards
Being related to MPH
The SIG purpose should strengthen the overall purpose of MPH
Publish on the MPH forum the following information
mission statement
membership rules / who can attend
tech platform(s)
meetings / how to join / where are the meetings announced
contact person(s) & method
Creative Commons
The published content of the SIG should follow the Metaphorum policy that the content on the Website is licensed as Creative Commons. The SIG decides which version of creative commons applies for pieces of content.
The Forums
The purpose of the Forums is
- for news and the exchange and generation of ideas
- for general exchange of organizational news of Metaphorum
The Forums have been created for
- the members for an easier exchange
- for all who wand to learn more about the VSM and Organizational Cybernetics
- for all who are interested in the further development of the VSM and Syntegration
- for all who are looking for reliable information about the work and life of Stafford Beer, the inventor of VSM and Syntegration
Some Forums are private to groups, some are public.
LinkedIn Group
SIGs: Special Interest Groups
At the conference in 2023, Metaphorum decided to create a number of Special Interest Groups.
We are in the process of opening these groups up, so stay tuned.
The Metaphorum Archives
In 2006 the Metaphorum community began using the Listserv technology to communicate between members. The service was kindly hosted by the University College Dublin (UCD).
Known as the UCD-STAFFORDBEER ARCHIVES, the Forum was dedicated to the work of Stafford Beer and operated between May 2006 – November 2016. Although still technically active, the Listserv is now rarely used and contemporary discussions have migrated to other forms such as Linkedin.