VSM Coach Online Course in Spanish
2. May @ 07:00 - 23. May @ 13:00 BMT
Day 1. Introduction to the VSM and the STM
- Managing organisational complexity
- The Viable System Model
- Viability and Sustainability (v&s)
- Introduction to the Self-Transformation Methodology
- Organisational Identity
- Recursive analysis
- Introduction to the Self-Transformation Methodology
Day 2. VSM diagnosis
- Preliminary VSM Diagnosis
- Full VSM diagnosis (1)
- S1/Environment
- S1/S2/S3
- S3/S4/S5
- Full VSM diagnosis (1)
Day 3. Full VSM diagnosis (2)
- Organisational Pathologies
- VSM design
- Aligning Strategy, Structure and Technology
- VSM of the desired organization
- Recursive analysis of the desired organization
- Aligning strategy & structure
- Required ICT developments
- Aligning Strategy, Structure and Technology
- Self-Transformation Projects
- VSM design
Day 4. Self- governance
a. Performance Management
- Reviewing KPIs
- Reviewing Performance Management Systems
b. Decision Making mechanisms
c. Sustainable Self- Governance
d. Critical review of VSM applications
Spanish Course Dates
4 days (each from 7 m to 1 pm (Latin-American time)
May the 2nd 2025, 7 am – 1 pm
May the 9th 2025, 7 am – 1 pm
May the 16th 2025, 7 am – 1 pm
May the 23rd 2025, 7 am – 1 pm
Note: once confirmed the decision to attend, the Trainer and the students can adjust this timetable in the most convenient way for all.
Course: Spanish
Training material: Spanish
Pricing: Course fees: US$700 (including certification)
The price includes course material.
[If a bursary was required, please communicate with the trainer].For certification and membership purposes, your contact information will be shared with Metaphorum.
Payment link for course in Spanish
By the end of the module, and once proven the quality of the teamwork and the individual reflection, the trainee receives a Metaphorum Certificate as a VSM Coach (cost included in the course’s fees).