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Metaphorum 2010, ‘Towards innovative organizational solutions to address business and societal complexity in the Third Millennium’

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Towards innovative organizational solutions to address business and societal complexity in the Third Millennium

Metaphorum Conference

Woodend Creative Workspace, Scarborough

2nd & 3rd December 2010

We are glad to announce the next Metaphorum Conference to be held in December the 2nd and the 3rd in Scarborough entitled ‘Towards innovative organizational solutions to address business and societal complexity in the Third Millennium”.

In this Conference we want to continue the conversations we initiated at St Gallen, at the Cwarel Isaf Conference in 2009, about how we can contribute to the required societal transformation (The Great Transformation), using Stafford’s theoretical and practical legacy. In particular, we want to invite people who have been developing innovations in businesses, education and communities that are ‘cybernetically sound’ and constitute an example of alternative ways of dealing with major societal and business challenges in the XXIst Century. We’d expect speakers to present their projects as well as reflections on them, from a cybernetic/ complexity perspective.

During the Conference, we will launch the new Metaphorum web page and invite participants to contribute to it. It is now in a testing stage and we’d expect to publish (at least some of) the contributions from the Conference on the new site.

The nature of contributions from participants in the Conference this year varies from academic papers (it may be work in progress), outline of ongoing research projects, book reviews and research notes. There will be an informal and networking environment with parallel streams running all through the two days, starting and ending with plenary sessions.

Those interested in participating, please get in touch as soon as possible with Michelle Watts, to book their place: she will be the Conference organizer. In a few weeks she’ll distribute to those interested details about Conference venue, logistics to get there and accommodation.

The Conference will be co-sponsored by Metaphorum and Hull University Business School – there is no cost for food/ teas/ coffees-. There will be a GBP$25 fee to contribute to  Metaphorum’s future conferences and network developments.

As the number of attendees is restricted, we’ll appreciate a quick answer from those interested.

Looking forward to see you in December.

Best regards

Angela Espinosa & Michelle Watts (conference steering committee)


Metaphorum Conference-Woodend Creative Workspace, Scarborough

2nd & 3rd December 2010

Thursday 2nd December 2010

12.00 Registration and Lunch

12.35 Welcome

12.45 Introduction from participants

13:45 David Beatty – ‘Preliminary explanation for Viable Crossover activity’

14.45 John Waters – ‘Management of Complexity in a Community Banking Partnership’

16.00 Colin Beveridge – ‘Complexity and Change in the Irrational Enterprise’

17.00 End of first day

Friday 3rd December 2010

9.00 Tea & Coffee

9.30 Pedro Pablo Cardosa- ‘Complexity approaches to self-organisation:

A case study from an Irish eco-village’

10.15 Leonid Ototsky (Skype) – ‘The VSM as a foundation for social systems in the XXI Century’

11.00 Refreshments

11.15 Kathryn Knowles – ‘Sustainability from the Bottom-up: An Holistic Approach to Environmental Management’

11.50 Robin Asby – ‘What do we mean by ‘Systems Thinking’

12.20 Vladimir Talala – Web 4.0 and its Cybernetic Design

13.00 Lunch

13.30 Graham Mitchell – Metaphorum Website

14:15 David Beatty – ‘Viable Crossover’

15.30 Refreshments

15.40 Plenary

15.45 Conference Closes


David Beatty – ‘Preliminary explanation for Viable Crossover activity’

John Waters – ‘Management of Complexity in a Community Banking Partnership’

Colin Beveridge – ‘Complexity and Change in the Irrational Enterprise’

Pedro Pablo Cardosa– ‘Complexity approaches to self-organisation: A case study from an Irish eco-village’

Leonid Ototsky – ‘The VSM as a foundation for social systems in the XXI Century’

Kathryn Knowles – ‘Sustainability from the Bottom-up: An Holistic Approach to Environmental Management’

Robin Asby – ‘What do we mean by ‘Systems Thinking’

Vladimir Talala – Web 4.0 and its Cybernetic Design

Graham Mitchell – Metaphorum Website

David Beatty – ‘Viable Crossover


What do we mean by systems thinking

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