Stafford's Work


Numerous authors have books related to Stafford Beer’s work.


Espejo,  R. and Harnden, R. (eds.). (1989).  The Viable System Model: Interpretations  and Applications of Stafford Beer’s VSM, Wiley, Chichester

Espejo,   R.,  Schuhmann,  W.,  Schwaninger  M.  and   Billelo,  U.  (1996). Organisational  Transformation  and  Learning,  John  Wiley  and   Sons, London.

Schwaninger, M.  (2006).  Intelligent  Organisations:  Powerful  Models for Systemic Management, Springer, St Gallen.

Malik, F. (2006), Effective Top Management, Wiley-VCH, Weinheirn.

Christopher, W.F. (2007). Holistic Management: Managing What Matters for Company Success, John Wiley and  Sons, New  York.

Hoverstadt, P. (2008).The Fractal Organization. Creating sustainable organization with the Viable Systems Model. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons.

Espejo, R., Reyes, A. (2011). Organisational Systems: Managing complexity with the viable system model. Springer.

Espinosa, A., Walker, J. (2011, 2017). ‘A Complexity Approach to Sustainability: Theory and Application’. 2nd ed. Invited book, Book Series on Complexity, Imperial College Press, World Scientific Press. London.

Lassl, W. (2019, 2020, 2021). The viability of organisations: Diagnosing and governing organizations. Vol 1, 2, 3. Vienna: Springer

Pérez-Ríos, J. (2012). Design and Diagnosis for Sustainable Organizations: The Viable System Method. Heidelberg: Springer.

Jackson, M.C. (2019), Critical Systems Thinking and the Management of Complexity: Responsible Leadership for a Complex World, Wiley, Chichester (Part II).

Espinosa, A., Martinez, A., Walker, J. (2022). ‘The Viable System model: An Introduction to theory and Practice’. In Eds. Midgley, G., Cabrera, D. and Cabrera, L.: Handbook on Systemic Methodologies. Routledge.

Espinosa, A. (2022 – forthcoming). Sustainable Self-Governance in Businesses and Society: The Viable System Model in action. London: Routledge, Francis & Taylor.

Walker, J. (1998) The Viable Systems Model a guide for co-operatives and federations. VSM – A guide by Jon Walker (PDF)