14th Conference Recordings

14th Metaphorum Conference Recordings

2022, Leuven, Belgium, 10-12 June

11th June Saturday

Opening Keynote – About Viability – Luc Hoebeke

Developing the VSM – Jonathan Huxley

Sensing Viability – Peter Tuddenham

Assessing Organizational Resilience with the VSM, a UK Health Trust’s Case Study During the COVID 19 Pandemic – Angela Espinosa

12th June Sunday

Morning Group Exercise Reports

Annual Meeting Discussion ( edited synopsis soon)

Vanilla Beer- Personal Water Device

At the 14th Metaphorum the topic of communications between members and from the Metaphorum to the world was highlighted. Peter Tuddenham suggested creating short videos: 1. a video about yourself and your work related to VSM and Syntegration. 2. a video about the presentation at the 14th Metaphorum 3. a video to provide feedback on the event in Leuven, 4. Anything else.

An example of a short video from Peter Tuddenham


Powerpoint Presentations as PDF

The Diagnosis and Design of Complexity for Water Govenance – Prof. Dra. Juliano Mariano Alves. 

Assessing Organisational Resilience – A. Espinosa

Metaphorum Opening – Luc Hoebecke

Developing _the_VSM – Jonathan Huxley

Using Markov Chain Monte Carlo Modelling (MCMC) with the VSM to manage a COVID outbreak – Capt Huxley RN

Afro-Community Environmental Governance using VSM – Carlos Duran

An EcoSystem of Myths – Jon Walker, Barry Clemson, Hans-Peter Plag